Lunar Drone Lander Mac OS

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This article will dig down into the basics of NASA’s Apollo 11 Lunar Module (LM). Find some interesting facts through pictures and see rare photos inside the lunar lander. Join me for a basic understanding of this fantastic machine.

“The Eagle Has Landed”
The epic achievement of men in space — and those on the ground — who, working together, scored a perfect landing on another World.
“…We copy you down, Eagle.”
“Houston… Tranquility Base here… The Eagle has landed!”

Michael Collins writes that the Eagle is “the weirdest looking contraption I have ever seen in the sky,” but it will prove its worth.

The Lander, also known as the Lunar Module (LM), was a two-stage craft built to separate from the Apollo Command and Service Module and then travel to and from the moon’s surface. When it comes time to set Eagle down in the Sea of Tranquility, Neil Armstrong improvises, manually piloting the lunar Module past an area littered with boulders.

It first landed on the moon on 20 July 1969. Generally, the descent stage was left on the moon, while the ascent stage crashed into the moon’s surface once the astronauts returned to the Command Module. Each of the 15 Apollo LMs had unique names. The Apollo 11 LM was named the Eagle, which explains why Neil Armstrong stated that “the Eagle had landed” when it touched down.

ANALOG SOUND AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT. LUNA transforms Apollo interfaces into the most inspiring and fully‑integrated Mac‑based recording systems on the planet. Moon Lander, Welcome to Moon Lander, this is a lunar landing style game where you have to safely land the lunar module on the moon. Sounds easy, however the moon is very craggy and the lunar capsule is basically made of tinfoil so its very fragile, so you'll need to be very careful.

Why Was The Lunar Module (LM) Designed With Such a Peculiar Shape?

The upper part, called the Ascent stage, and the lower part called the Descent stage, was connected one above another (making the Descent stage as a launchpad for the ascent stage after landing) just as required.

  • The overall weird lump’’ shape – The LM never had to fly in an atmosphere, so aerodynamics was irrelevant. Balance and weight were important – streamlining was not.

Why Did LM Have Folding Legs?

  • The multi-jointed folding legs – so that the LM would fold up small enough to fit inside the Saturn V and then extend out to give a wide, stable platform for landing and takeoff.

What Was The Gold Foil For?

  • The gold foil: Was made for thermal protection.

How Many Stages on LM?

  • The two-stage design – a Descent Stage for landing and an Ascent Stage for returning to lunar orbit.

Why Had Lunar Module Wide Footpads?

  • The wide footpads – to stop from sinking into the dusty surface

What Was The Long Rods For?

  • The long rods were extending from the footpads – lunar contact probes that lit a lamp in the cockpit when they touched the surface.

What Was The Telescopic Legs Made Of?

  • The telescopic legs were made of honeycomb material to collapse on landing, acting as shock absorbers partially.

What Were The Reasons ForLM’ss Bulges?

  • The asymmetric bulges on either side of the cockpit – fuel and oxidizer have different densities. So the designers kept the LM in balance by putting the less dense mass further out from the center (like balancing a big kid and a small kid on a see-saw/teeter-totter).

What Was The Hatch Located?

  • The hatch on the top – allows docking with the CSM.
  • The hatch in the front – allows access to the lunar surface.

Why Did LM Had Triangular Windows?

  • The triangular windows – to minimize the amount of heavy glass and maximize visibility for landing.

How Many Types of Antennas Does The Lunar Module’s Have?

The Lander had three different types of antenna: VHF (for communication), S-band steerable (to facilitate control of the Lander), and rendezvous radar (to facilitate rendezvous between the Lander and the Command Module).

Apollo 11 Crew Compartment

The crew compartment was a pressurized environment that supported two astronauts in about 6.65 square meters.

Lunar Module Ascent stage

The Lander’s ascent stage contained the crew cabin, navigation system, life support, thermal control system, and the capability to return itself to the Apollo Command Module in lunar orbit.

LM Descent stage

The descent stage contained the fuel to land on the moon, landing gear, a ladder to descend to the surface, and materials for experiments and sample collection on the moon.

What Is The Fuel For The Lunar Module?

The Lander was powered by a rocket fuel called Aerozine 50. It is still used in spacecraft and rockets because it is a highly stable fuel with a low freezing point.


Aerozine 50 is used in conjunction with a chemical compound called dinitrogen tetroxide, an oxidizer. The Aerozine 50 ignites upon contact with it.

LM’s Landing gear

Initial designs had three legs, which could have resulted in a toppling Lander if one was damaged. Five legs were preferred, but they made the Lander too heavy. Four was an acceptable compromise.

That’s it, and I hope you enjoyed this essay. Check out this article that reveals the inside of the Apollo Saturn V rocket and its significant components. See for yourself these fantastic drawings. You will be amazed.

Little Tower 0.2

Submitted by Tom Owad on September 5, 2018 - 10:58pm

; Little Tower
; Apple1 Adventure Game v0.2
; Written by VERHILLE Arnaud
; (C) September 2000

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Apple 1 Infocom Interpreter Preloader

Submitted by ChristopherB on October 6, 2013 - 6:31pm
Lunar drone lander mac os 11

Pre-loader for Apple II Infocom interpreter version 'A' to allow games to be played on an Apple 1 with a CFFA1 card. Load preloader at $0500, interpreter at $0800, and store game file in current prefix on the CFFA1 as INFOCOM.DAT

Execute $0500 to run, $0600 to re-enter.

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Submitted by jeffmazur on August 13, 2013 - 12:35pm
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101 Basic Computer Games Modified Rocket for Briel Replica1 ASCII Graphics

Submitted by Corey986 on February 20, 2012 - 6:10am

For those who can't use my Lunar Lander because they do not have an ACI interface for audio or for those who want to use an emulator that does not support the ACI, here is a version that is clean of ACI calls...

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8k Apple I ASCII Graphics Lunar Lander (With ACI Audio Hack)

Lunar Drone Lander Mac Os 7

Submitted by Corey986 on February 17, 2012 - 2:58pm

Lunar Drone Lander Mac Os Download

This is a highly modified version of Lunar Lander (Rocket) from 101 Basic Computer Games, where the original has no graphics, this has ASCII graphics with a lot of hidden effects
This will run on an 8k Apple-1 or Mimeo with Basic loaded

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Apple I Enhanced Checkers 8k

Submitted by Corey986 on December 29, 2011 - 9:59am

Modified version of Vince Briel's Checkers for the Apple I. I made some usability modifications like printing the grid numbers on the board and reprinting the board if you enter an incorrect move. I also changed the messages to make more sense.

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8k Apple 1 Star Trek Basic code

Submitted by Corey986 on December 28, 2011 - 12:37pm
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Spacewar Source Code

Submitted by Tom Owad on August 16, 2006 - 12:45am

This is the source code to the June 1963 version of Spacewar for the PDP-1.

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Les H

Submitted by ex-parrot on February 10, 2006 - 6:00pm
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New Submission: clicknslide.hqx

Submitted by ex-parrot on February 10, 2006 - 6:00pm

The following file has been uploaded via FTP:

File Uploaded: clicknslide.hqx
Product Name: Click 'N Slide
Product URL:
Version: v1.1
Contact Name: Keith McLeod
Contact URL: development@ncbuy.c...

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