Hotdogs Hunger And Hand Pain Mac OS

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BackOne of the problems with consciousness is that you know that you are conscious but you can't know if others are. Consciousness is like seeing a dog in front of you but only you can see it.

Let us begin with an example of seeing a dog: when you see a dog, photons from the dog come to your eyes and converted to neural signal, then, a neural network will recognize that what you're seeing is a dog.

Hot Dogs Hunger And Hand Pain Mac Os 11

How do you know that you're seeing a dog?

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For any self-respecting Mac user, that single omission has meant a world of pain in recent years. Unable to live with Safari, you’ve resorted to Chrome. Which is a great browser, don’t get me wrong, especially in the way it supports a library of extensions that you could keep you busy forever. But Chrome on a Mac is a bad marriage. The product announcement I loved best was the Mac Box Set. ILife ’09, iWork ’09, and Mac OS X Leopard all in one neat package! It costs $169, but for us in the Philippines, it’s P9,890 at the Apple Online Store. I’m hoping the Authorized Re-sellers would have a lower price, like they do with Leopard.

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I believe we can explain this in the same way as seeing a dog. But in this case, what you see is not photons but signals from within brain itself. In other words, brain takes its current states (signals) as its input (this is possibly no different from brain takes signals created by your eyes as its input.) And as you may already known, this is similar to recurrent neural network.

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In this way, consciousness is a concept learned by brain about the inner processes of brain itself which is similar to: dog is a concept we learned when seeing many dogs!

Hotdogs Hunger And Hand Pain Mac OS

Stream of consciousness is the result when brain trying to model itself and continuously receiving signals from itself!

We can put this further and ask: is any brain of any kind (dog, cat, whale) conscious?

My idea is that there is a threshold when brain becomes complicated enough to model its own signal!